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Sl.No | Title of Paper | Name Of Authors | Name of Journal | Year of Publication |
1 | A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge of type 1 osteoporosis and its prevention among menopause women in selected PHC at Bijapur | Mr.Shalmon Chopade | (IOSR) Journal of Nursing and Health Science | Nov-Dec 2014 |
2 | A study to identify the discomforts as verbalized by patients during the post operative period of CABG surgery, admitted in K.L.E’s Hospital, Belgaum. | Mr.Shalmon Chopade | (IOSR) Journal of Nursing and Health Science | Jan 2014 |
3 | Evaluate the effectiveness of structure teaching program regarding prevention of Byssinosis disease among cotton mill workers in selected mills at Bijapur, Karnataka | Mr.Shalmon Chopade | International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research (IJAMCR). | March 2016 |
4 | The effectiveness of foot massage on relief of the foot pain among staff nurses working in emergency unit. | Mr.Shalmon Chopade | International Journal of Nursing and Medical
Investigation (IJNMI) |
2016 |
5 | Leech Therapy: An Introduction | Mr.Shalmon Chopade | An Introduction (Nightingale Nursing Times, | April-2015 |
6 | The effectiveness of foot massage on relief of the foot pain among staff nurses working in emergency unit. | Mr, Basher Ahmad Sikander | International Journal Nursing and medical Investigation | 2016 |
7 | The effectiveness of foot massage on relief of the foot pain among staff nurses working in emergency unit. | Mrs, Suchitra Rati | International Journal Nursing and medical Investigation | 2016 |
8 | The effectiveness of foot massage on relief of the foot pain among staff nurses working in emergency unit. | Ms, Geeta Nimbal | International Journal Nursing and medical Investigation | 2016 |
9 | A study to assess the factors affecting acceptance of IUD among rural women of Hirebagewadi. | Mrs. Suchitra A Rati | IOSR JOURNAL | Mar-April 2014 |
10 | Prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls studying in selected schools . | Mrs. Suchitra A Rati | www.ijsr international journal of science and research | August 2014 |
11 | To identify the risk of breast cancer among women residing at selected villages of Horti PHC by the help of Lehigh Regional Medical Centre risk assessment | Mrs. Suchitra A Rati | ||
12 | Prevalence of Anemia among Adolescents studying in selected schools” | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | IJSR Journal of Nursing Sciences | 2014 |
13 | A descriptive study was designed “A study to assess the knowledge and practice of dietary regulations in chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis at KLE’s Hospital and MRC Belgaum. | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | IOSR Journal of Nursing health science | 2014 |
14 | A study to assess the factors affecting acceptance of Intrauterine device (IUD) among rural women of Hirebhagewadi,Belgaum. | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | IOSR Journal of Nursing health science | 2014 |
15 | A study to assess the effectiveness of PTP on Knowledge of Type 1 osteoporosis among Menopause women in selected PHC at Bijapur. | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | IOSR Journal of Nursing health science | 2014 |
16 | Programme regarding prevention of byssinosis disease among cotton mill workers in selected mills. | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research (IJAMSCR) | 2016 |
17 | Programme regarding prevention of byssinosis disease among cotton mill workers in selected mills. | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | American Journal of Advances in Nursing Research | 2016 |
18 | A study to identify the risk of Breast Cancer among residing at selected villages of Horti PHC by the help of Lehigh regional Medical Centre risk assessment tool for Breast Cancer | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and BioScience | 2016 |
19 | A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of PTP on knowledge regarding Pharmacovigilience of steroid therapy among GNM and BSc nursing students in selected nursing colleges at Bijapur. | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | International Journal Nursing and medical Investigation | 2016 |
20 | The effectiveness of foot massage on relief of the foot pain among staff nurses working in emergency unit. | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi | International Journal Nursing and medical Investigation | 2016 |
21 | Effectiveness of STP regarding prevention of Byssinosis disease among cotton mill workers of selected cotton mills, Bijapur | Mrs, Kavitha .K | International Journal of Allied medical sciences and clinical research | 2015 |
22 | Pompe disease: a rare clinical entity Indian journal of continuing nursing education July-December, 2015,vol:16(2) | Mrs, Kavitha .K | a rare clinical entity Indian journal of continuing nursing education | 2015 |
23 | Effectiveness Of Need Based Training On Knowledge Regarding Oxygen Therapy For Pediatric Clients | Mrs, Kavitha .K | International journal of pharmaceutical and health sciences | 2015 |
24 | Life without pain: children with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy | Mrs, Kavitha .K | IOSR | 2015 |
25 | Pompe disease: an introduction | Mrs, Kavitha .K | Nightingale nursing times | 2014 |
26 | Gaucher’s disease: an over view | Mrs, Kavitha .K | Nightingale nursing times | 2014 |
27 | Effectiveness PTP on knowledge and practice regarding atruamatic care. | Mrs, Kavitha .K | Nightingale nursing times | |
28 | Brugada syndrome. Nightingale’s times | Mrs.Babyshakuntala | Nightingale nursing times | 2015 |
29 | Effectiveness of teaching program on smokeless tobacco use and its prevention among adolescent boys | Mrs.Baby Shakuntala | International journal of nursing and health care | 2015 |
30 | A correlation study to assess attitude and practice regarding dietary habits in relation to prevention of malnutrition among mothers of preschool children in selected areas of Aurangabad district | Mr. Dilip Natikar | (IOSR Journal 2015) | |
31 | Nutritional status and dietary habits of preschool children. | Mr. Dilip Natikar | International Journal of pharmaceutical sciences invention | |
32 | Article: Nutrition guidelines for people with HIV/AIDS | Mr. Dilip Natikar | ||
33 | Article: Teachers knowledge about behavioral problems of children | Mr. Dilip Natikar | ||
34 | The effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding prevention of H1N1 and its measures among mothers of under five children in selected slum areas at Vijayapur | Mr.Prakash Siddapur | ||
35 | The effectiveness of health education on knowledge and practice regarding preventive measures on selected occupational hazards among stone crushres of selected stone crushing centers at Vijayapur | Mr.Prakash Siddapur | 2014 | |
36 | Assessing weight status and cognitive development in and children Nightingale nursing times Sept 2014 | Mr. Prashanth Kulkarni | Nightingale nursing times | 2016 |
37 | Evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding prevention of Byssinosis disease among cotton mill workers | Mr.Basheer Ahmeed Sikander | International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research (IJAMSCR) | 2016 |
38 | Effectiveness of foot massage on relief of the foot pain among staff nurses working in emergency unit | Mr.Basheer Ahmeed Sikander | International Journal Nursing and Medical Investigation (IJNMI) | 2015 |
39 | Life without Pain: Children with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy | Mr.Basheer Ahmeed Sikander | Orgnization of Scientific Research (IOSR) | 2014 |
40 | Effectiveness of PTP on knowledge of type I osteoporosis and its prevention among menopause women in selected PHC | Mr.Basheer Ahmeed Sikander | Orgnization of Scientific Research (IOSR) | |
41 | Tobacco use among health care workers Nurses of India and 15/07 | Mr. Vinod Patil | ||
42 | Prevalence of behavioral problem among school going children | Mr. Vinod Patil | 2013 | |
43 | Winter vomiting disease. Nightingale Nursing Times. 2013 | Mr. Amaranth Shanmukhe | Nightingale Nursing Times. 2013 | |
44 | A study to assess the knowledge regarding Biomedical waste management among GNM internship | Mr. Amaranth Shanmukhe | IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science. 2013 | |
45 | A study to assess the knowledge regarding consanguineous marriages and its genetic effects among young adults with a view to develop an information guide sheet. | Mr. Amaranth Shanmukhe | Inventi Rapid: Advanced Nursing | 2013 |
46 | A correlational study to assess the knowledge and attitude about consuming fatty diet and blood cholesterol level among adults in selected residential area Bangalore. | Mr. Amaranth Shanmukhe | Nursing Nightingale Times | 2013 |
47 | Broken Heart Syndrome: An Outline. Nursing Nightingale Times | Mr. Amaranth Shanmukhe | ||
48 | Assess the Attitude regarding HIV infection and care of HIV patients among staff nurses. (Community Nursing Spectrum.) | Mr. Amaranth Shanmukhe
Mrs. Soujanya JP |
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science. | March - April 2014 |
49 | A study to assess the factors affecting acceptance of IUD among rural women of Hire bagewadi | Mr, Jayashri Pujari | IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science. | 2013 |
50 | A study to assess the knowledge regarding consanguineous marriages and its genetic effects among young adults with a view to develop an information guide sheet. | Mrs, Soujanya JP | IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science. | 2013 |
51 | Breast milk application-An emerging trend to reduce timing of cord separation among Newborns. | Mrs, Soujanya JP | Inventi Rapid: Advanced Nursing 2013 | 2013 |
52 | A correlational study to assess the knowledge and attitude about consuming fatty diet and blood cholesterol level among adults in selected residential area Bangalore. Inventi Rapid: Advanced Nursing 2013 | Mrs, Soujanya JP | (IOSR) | 2016 |
53 | A correlational study to assess the umbilical cord coiling index and perinatal outcomes in selected hospitals at Bijapur | Ms, Afreen | (IOSR) | 2016 |
54 | A study to assess the effectiveness of stp on knowledge regarding self care activity among patient with diabetes mellitus in a selected PHC at Tumkur (IOSR) | Mr, Santosh Indi | International Journal Of Current Research | 2015 |
56 | A study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge & attitude regarding food taboos among normal pregnant mothers in selected hospital at Bijapur | Mrs, Shwetha Hitnal | International Organization of Scientific Research. | 2015 |
57 | Assessment of prevalence of postnatal depression among postnatal mothers in selected hospital Vijayapura | Mrs, Shwetha Hitnal | International Journal of Engineering Science Invention | October 2016 |
58 | Effectiveness of PTP on Knowledge and Attitude of High School Students Regarding Importance of Diet in Selected Schools at Vijayapur” | Mr Basheer Ahamed J S | IJAMSCR journal | Sept-2017 |
59 | Assess the knowledge and attitude on prevention of health hazards among the mining the workers | Mr, N.G.P | International Journal of Engineering Science Invention | October 2016 |
60 | Effectiveness of PTP on Knowledge and Attitude of High School Students Regarding Importance of Diet in Selected Schools at Vijayapur” | Mr, N.G.P | 2017 | |
61 | A study to assess the knowledge and attitude on utilization on nurse call bell system among the staff nurses working in selected hospital if Vijaypur district. | Mrs, R, Suchitra Rati | International journal of nursing research(IJNR) | 2017 |
62 | A study to assess the knowledge and attitude on utilization on nurse call bell system among the staff nurses working in selected hospital if Vijaypura district. | Mr. Shashikumar Jawadagi. | International journal of nursing research(IJNR) | 2017 |
63 | A study to assess the knowledge and attitude on utilization on nurse call bell system among the staff nurses working in selected hospital if Vijaypur district. | Mrs, Jayashri Pujari | International journal of nursing research(IJNR) | Mar-2017 |
64 | Habit and attitude of nursing students on utilization of library in a selected nursing at Vijayapur. | Mr, Ningangouda Patil | IJAMSCR journal | Mar-2017 |
65 | Habit and attitude of nursing students on utilization of library in a selected nursing at Vijayapur. | Ms , Shobha. Loni | IJAMSCR journal | Sep 2017 |
66 | Assess the knowledge and attitude on prevention of health hazards among the mining workers. | Mr, Ningangouda Patil | IJAMSCR journal | Sep 2017 |
67 | Assess the knowledge and attitude on prevention of health hazards among the mining workers. | Ms, Shirin Sutar | IJAMSCR journal | Mar-2017 |
68 | A study to assess the effectivenesss of planned teaching programme on needle stick injury among 3 year bacic b.sc nursing students in selected nursing college at Vijayapur | Mr, Ningangouda Patil | IJAMSCR journal | Mar-2017 |
69 | A study to assess the effectivenesss of planned teaching programme on needle stick injury among 3 year bacic b.sc nursing students in selected nursing college at Vijayapur | Mr, Prashanth Kulkarni | IJAMSCR journal | MAR-2018 |
70 | Effectiveness of cinnamenon tea and turmeric water for reducing dysmenrrhoea among degree girls | Ms, Afreenbanu | IJSHR | MAR-2018 |
71 | A study to assess habit of mobile use and knoweldge regarding radial tunnel syndrome among students residing in selected nursing hostels at Vijayapur. | Mr. Amarnath Shanmukhe. | IJSHR | April-2018 |
72 | A Comprehensive Nursing Stratgies For Coping With Chronic Illness in children. | Mrs. Kavitha.K | International journal of current advanced research. | Aug 2018 |
73 | A comparative study to assess the perception of nurses regarding importance of nursen call light system vs hourly rounding at selected hospitals at Vijayapur. | Prof Suchitra Rati | Indian Journal Of Applierd Research | Sept 2018 |
74 | Effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding usage of Embrace for prevention and management of hyperthermia among female care giver of preterm and low birth weight infants admittedin selected hospital at Vijayapur. | Mrs,Geeta.B And Dr. Ningangouda. Patil | Indian Journal Of Applierd Research | June 2018 |
75 | A study to assess the effectiveness of individual structured teaching programme on use of braden scale for predicting pressure sore risk for bed fast patients among staff nurses at selected hospital of Vijayapur. | Mr. Satish Nadagaddi And Mr .Basheerahmed Sikandar. | IJCAR | Sept 2018 |
76 | a study to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding nosocomial infection among staff nurses working in ICU of selected hospital at Vijayapur. | Mr.Santosh Indi
Mr. Satish Nadagaddi Dr. Ningangouda. Patil & Shreekant Savakar |
IJAR | Sept 2018 |
77 | Effectiveness of Jacobsons’s progressive muscle relaxation technique on level of anxiety among persons suffering from a;lcohol dependence admitted at selected hospitals at Vijayapur | Mr. Sadashiv Choudari | IJAR | Sept 2018 |
78 | To assess the knowledge and attitude regarding organ donation among PU college students in selected PU college at Vijayapur | Mr. Amaranth Shanmukhe Mr. Shalmon Chopade | IJAR | Sept 2018 |
79 | Effectiveness of oil massage on bilirubin reduction in late preterm newborns with physiological jaundice admitted in NICU of selected hospitals at Vijayapur | Priyanka G, Mr. Prakash Siddapur And Dr. Ningangouda. Patil | IJCAR | Sept 2018 |
80 | A cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and effect of jiggery tea to combat premenstrual symtoms on students of al amen medical college Vijayapur | Mrs. Shwetha Hitnal | IJAR | Sept 2018 |
81 | Effectiveness of individual teaching program on knowledge an skill regarding podiatric care among diabetic clients | Mr. Shreekant Savakar, Mr. Ravi Metri And Mr. Amitkumar | IJCAR | Sept 2018 |
82 | A study to assess the pattern of usage of computer and it’s impact on health status among clerical staffs of blde organization | Ms. Keerti Halemani
Dr. Ningangouda. Patil |
IJCAR | Sept 2018 |